Learning Disability Health Services



Ridge HillSpecialist Health Services for adults with learning disabilities at The Ridge Hill Centre

All of the learning disability services below are provided by Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust




For more information or to speak to someone contact the Ridge Hill Centre:

Telephone:  01384 323047




Write to: The Ridge Hill Centre, Brierley Hill Road,

Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 5ST


PAMHS LogoPAMHS Department
Promoting Access to Main Stream Health Services

The PAMHS department are a team of learning disability nurses


The team support people with a learning disability to help them understand their health needs and get the right health care


Click here for more information about the PAMHS Department


Speech and Language Therapy logoSpeech and Language Therapy for adults with learning disabilities

The Speech and Language Therapy service help people to communicate better in the best way for each person


There are lots of different ways to communicate including speech, gesture, signing, facial expressions and body language

The Speech and Language Therapy service also help people who have problems eating and drinking (Dysphagia)


Click here for more information about the Speech and Language Therapy service


Dysphagia LogoDysphagia Service

The Dysphagia service helps people with learning disabilities to eat and drink safely

Click here for more information about the Dysphagia Service


PsychiatryLearning Disability Psychiatry

The Psychiatry service help and give treatment to people with a learning disability who also have mental health problems, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Epilepsy or have big problems with behaviour


The service is at The Ridge Hill Centre but they also visit some people in their homes, and clinics in Dudley

People get referred by their GP, but sometimes by members of the Learning Disability teams, such as Social Workers and Community Nurses


PsychologyBehavioural, Dementia and Psychological Services

These services give psychological assessment, advice and specialist therapy to improve well-being

Click here for more information about the Behavioural, Dementia and Psychological Services



Physiotherapy helps people reach their full physical potential by using physical means


The team work directly with clients who have learning disabilities

They work closely with carers to teach them correct handling and positioning of the people they care for

They also give advice on how to help clients with exercise regimes and the correct use of walking aids


Click here for more information on specialist Physiotherapy services at Ridge Hill


Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists help people to carry out the activities that they want or need to do so that they can have healthy, happy and safe lives

Click here for more information on specialist Ocupational Therapy services at Ridge Hill


Epilepsy ServiceEpilepsy Specialist Nurse Team

Ridge Hill provide a specialist Epilepsy service to support people with a Learning Disability who also have Epilepsy


Click here to find out more about the Epilepsy Specialist service